Friday, April 26, 2019

Progressing our E-learning Courseware !

At first we thought that it will become very easy since we are using SmartBuilder application to create our lesson and games. It turns out very difficult even-though SmartBuilder was a very easy application and tutor provided by Madam Azida have helped us a lot.

One of the functions of SmartBuilder that made me very excited was the OnRollOver and OnRollOut functions which at first when we hover the cursor to the particular hotspot, it will pop out an image or any functions that we have designed to do so. I am very excited to do this but at the same time, confused by all of the functions that SmartBuilder had in its program.

We have learned how to insert an audio, how to put each functions to the hotspot and also to do percentage based on each questions that have been answered to provide end results at the of the lesson.

In fact, we are still progressing by this week and hopefully we can finish our e-learning courseware by next week to show it to Madam Azida and to our dearest readers as well !

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Week 12 yeay !

Hi everyone ! For this week post is about an assignment that Madam Azida gave to us about creating our own e-learning courseware using SmartBuilder 4 (latest version).

First, e-learning courseware is a tool to create a lesson which includes scenarios, interactive games, and assessments. Using Smartbuilder, it will provide you an easy functions and features to create a lesson and games for your students.

E-learning courseware will be our final assignments for the remaining class for this semester. This week we are going to discuss and plan what are we going to do for our courseware and to promote learning tools to the students and interactive content as well !

Friday, April 12, 2019

Week 11 y'all !

Bonjour everyone ! Its only a few weeks left before our class for this semester ended. For this blog post, I'm going to share to you about Rapid Prototyping Model that I have learnt in the previous class and what I have mentioned in the previous blog post.

What is the definition of Rapid Prototyping Model ?

  • An interative process used to visualize what a website or an application will look like in order to get feedback and validation from users, stakeholders, developers and designers.

History of Rapid Prototyping Model

  1. Fathers of Modern Prototyping: Hideo Kodama from Japan & Charles Hull from USA
  2. The first to describe and develop a process and actual machines that were capable of printing in 3 dimensions (3D)


  1. Prototyping - Creating a solution that can be reviewed and tested.
  2. Reviewing - Share the prototype with the users and evaluate if meets their needs and expectations in order to help you understand.
  3. Refining - Based on the feedback, designer identify the areas that needs to be clarify.
I hope you guys enjoyed my blog post for week 11 and until next time !

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Here goes week 10!

Welcome back everyone ! For this week we have learnt about 5 different types of instructional design models. The 5 different types is Addie Model, Assure Model, Gagne's 9 Events of Instruction Model, Merrill's Principles of Instruction Model and The Kemp Instructional Design Model.

Wikipedia defines instructional system design as the practice of creating instructional experiences which make the acquisition of knowledge and skill more efficient, effective and appealing. To make it short, instructional design model provides guidelines to organize appropriate pedagogical scenarios to achieve instructional goals.

For this week task, Madam assigned us to do a presentation about this model. It requires a lot of readings and revision to understand how this model works in the first place. I hope you guys stay tuned for my next blog post ! Thank you !